Uterine Cancer

Uterine Cancer

Enigma’s Story


Get more information about uterine cancerIn November 2014 I had excruciating pain in my lower abdomen area after having a refreshing work out. The pain increased to a 10 on a scale of 1-10. I managed to get to the ER and after giving me some medication to stop the pain, I had a CT scan and the ER doctor came in and asked the question “Who is your oncologist” shocked… I said I don’t have one and he said you need to see someone right away. I went to my doctor and, in December 2014, I was given a report of having uterus cancer stage 4. I did not accept the report neither was I in denial that something was happening to me in my reproductive area knowing that pain is a “good” indicator that something is not right. So many biopsies, poking here, inserting things there and flips and turns of my body on the table, feeling violated, abused, and uncertain as to what this journey was going to be like, I turned inward and began to remind myself of the following scriptures and made them personal to me:  Psalms 107:20 – He sent his Word and healed Enigma;  John 11:4 – This sickness is not unto death, Enigma;  2 Timothy 1:7 – God did not give Enigma a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.

I started chemo on January 23, 2015, and have had four treatments thus far and my gosh…chemo is horrible!!!!! I had to fight to eat because my taste buds left me. I had to fight to walk because neuropathy tried to control my feet. I had to fight to stay regulated because constipation wanted to be in charge. I had to fight to stay beautiful because the enemy would tell me daily that I was going to die. My daughter and son-in love are very supportive as well as my friends and the love I receive daily is amazing! My co-workers are the best and support me as well. Now this does not mean I don’t cry because my body hurts. I get sad at times going through this journey, cringe weekly when I have to get poked for labs, and get frustrated because I cannot do some of the things I used to due to being tired often.

On April 27, 2015, I am scheduled to start radiation treatment daily for five weeks and I will do well with that also. I always look for the blessing in crisis and, thus far, the blessing is that compassion has become my best friend for others going through their journey. I have a solid belief that God did not put this on me but he allowed it to happen not to punish me but to watch his supernatural hand work miracles in my life.

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